Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Thing About Tel Aviv

So I know I haven't posted in a while. I know. I've been in Tel Aviv for a little over three weeks and I've been trying to distill just what it is about this place I like so much.

I like that after a day at work, people head to the beach for a beer and a swim. I like that I've met incredibly kind and fun people who keep taking me to amazing bars, restaurants, clubs, and festivals. I like how the air smells salty along the shore, eucalyptus further inland, and is peppered with jasmine at night.
Among other things-
Everyone rides a bike. Everyone smokes hash. Cafe culture is alive and well, though Israelis are terrible drinkers. I have yet to have a bad meal, cocktail, or fruit smoothie.
I like that people here are perfectly content to live within a bubble. They know what's going on and they struggle with tensions in the region and yet, it's all back burnered because quality of life is more important and because they can just smoke on the beach.
You have to stand your ground here- fight to be next in line, get the good seat, the taxi, order your drink, but it's all part of the chaotic beauty of the place.
I'm heading to Stockholm today- and maybe that will give me more perspective, but all I know is that every minute in Tel Aviv has made me feel like even if I'd have to get used to fighting for my place in line, my cab, my drink, it would be ok- cause at the end of the day I can head to the beach.

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